Hey ladies I have different post today , my mom is in the hospital for
Knee replacement surgery. Not only was the surgery a huge tense ball but the recovery isn't any better .My mother has suffered for 2 years with so
Much pain shes such a strong women she always gives a smile no matter what battle she was fighting .
But every date has its time and today was my moms time to hope for better tomorrow . To give herself a chance to live a life with less pain . With 4 intense hours of surgery longest hours of my
Life for the doctor to say that the surgery was a success made me thank God for keeping her safe .
Now I'm looking at
The next couple days with much
Despair. Seeing my mother in pain hurts me but knowing that tomorrow brings hope, I have faith and know that life will bring a better tomorrow .
I need strength as much as she does
Appreciate the people you love and hold them close because life gives you hard times as it gives you great times Cherish every moment .
Aww I know how hard it must be to see a loved one in pain but remain strong and sooner than later she will be all better.
My thoughts and prayers go out to your mother. She gave birth to a sweet and beautiful baby girl named Candy, who is every bit as sweet as her name both in looks and in personality. I hope your mother is able to recover no matter how long it takes for her to recover. You have my prayers and well-wishes in hopes she is able to recover quickly. Candy, remain strong and positive.
Hi Candy,
I understand what you are going through, my mum had a knee replacement and she still cannot bend her knee properly.
As a child, her legs needed to be broken and re-set and she spent 3 months in hospital.
I am hoping and praying in my heart for you and your mum.
Mum's are so special, and if you need to talk, message me at celesteinwood7@gmail.com.
Keep smiling Candy, you have an awesome smile and your mum will be okay. :) xxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Hang in there! I can just imagine how tough this time must be...
My own mom is due for a knee replacement in the very near future, i hope it's not very painful for her that she can recover quickly too!!
this post really made me smile! i really needed to read those words. :)
<3, Mimi
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Prayers for you and your mom. I know you can did it.
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