Saturday, November 13, 2010

You're officially a VIB

Hello all my pretty ladies how you guys doing this Saturday night , as for me a bit late on my Spehora post so sorry I haven't felt myself these last couple of days I think  my hubs gave me he's cuddies from being sick lolol

So like I mention  I was going to a grand opening for Sephora in Valencia , Ca and to my surprise it wasn't as kool as I was anticipated , well why you ask , To many people and to many annoying girls and the sales people looked more scared then anything .The line was out the door and all I wanted to do was leave , but my partner in crime (Hubs) made line as I picked up some things I had in mind. As I walked around I began to notice so many clueless girls that where giving poor advice to other girls on make up choices . Now don't get me wrong A for effort but lets not give each other wrong advise . I may not know allot but I do know my way around make up for not only I'm totally obsesses  with it but I did go to to school and worked on many faces to know what I'm taking about hehehe .

As I walked more around I noticed this going on more and more and I just got very , very annoyed  I don't know why I just did and all Wanted to do is pay and get out of there hahaha so I got two little bags from sephora that kinda made up for this huge headache that I just walked into and not to say the 20 % off  . But next time I  think I'll stick with on line shopping 

SO here's what I got hope you enjoyed my picks and sorry for my rambling 
 Here's my little bags that are super cute 
And the goods
The benefit some beauty to love case
four things in the pack 
Bad girl lash 
That 'Gal"brightening face primer very creamy pink color 
EYE bright instant eye brighter , I never used this so looking forward to it
Corallista blush pretty in pink
I had seen these brushes on another blog and I feel in love with them there my favorite 
Eye Shadow brush
 the donuts where the ones that sold me to buy this 
eyeliner brush 
Crease brush 
My three new friends 
I also picked up this Kat Von D primer that I had enjoyed as a sample 
 A great eye base 
Picked up this foundation One Step make up form Stilla ,  I will use it then do a review and see how I like it !!!
and also this Illuminating powder foundation , so I check it and and let you lovelies know 
ok last thing I told you I was a obsessed  ehhehe 
smash box brow tech Quad 
for your your brows very kool 

Has three different shades for your brows and a brow gel

OK that's it sorry so long , hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend take care till next time 

Yours truly, 
Curves Ahead 


kimber_doll said...

Love all the Toki Doki stuff you got Hehe, I was just in Sephora tonight!! Have a great weekend=)

Andrea. said...

I was invited to the same event. I decided to just skip it I had a feeling it was going to be busy. After reading your post glad I didn't go. I got the same Benefit set last month such a great deal. I love everything in it too (:
I'm going to Sephora tomorrow to use my discount.

Great haul thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Nice haul. I saw those brushes to and I really want them! How much were they I may have to pick them up Monday when I go with my hubby into work :)

Risa said...

Love the toki doki brushes..they are so adorable! Haha..I can c how u get annoyed..well i think tht's true esp when u noe they're giving wrong advices...great post!


Anonymous said...

the tokidoki brush set is so cuteeeee

Unknown said...

I adore benefit :)

Ayu Muhamad said...

wow, i love tokidoki brush set!! ^^ I want those brushes for my collection.
btw, can't wait to read reviews on some of the products u have there.

Christine said...

love everything you bought, those brushes are adorable <3
I love tokidoki, need this set haha :)

How much did you pay for those brushes?

xoxo Christine

o said...

I'm so jealous! :)
Great haul!

Kaitlynn said...

i love anything from benefit!! enjoy the eye bright :) its fantastic!

El'Aundra Dolce said...

Hope you feel better!! You have a wonderful Blog!!! I'd love to feature you on my blog! I developed the idea for "Loyal Rewards by El'Aundra© " & this is how I promote my followers & help them increase traffic to their blog while allowing other followers to learn more about the blogs that I feature. If you're interested my blog is at
♥ El'Aundra

cowbiscuits said...

my boyfriend is going to New York next week and i've sent him with a list of Sephora goods to get me! :P xx

K A T H L E E N said...

love all the awesome goodies!
twitter: @FASHION_ICE

Anonymous said...

OOHHH so are you going to do a review on the Benefit eye bright!?? I have been wondering about that stuff for awhile! Let me know what you think about it!


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liquoredonlacquer said...

I want that some beauty to love set its so cute!! =)

and those brushes are adorable!! <3

Mara said...

OMG, I want that Benefit kit. I really want the Coralista blush.

SWEATshirtDRESSshirt said...

haha i know how you feel about crowded shopping areas. i am definitely not too fond of them, either!

that's great that you found some things, though!

SWEATshirt DRESSshirt

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

Cute blog you have here!! And thanks so much for your sweet comment on my post about my stepfather... I sure appreciated it. :)

-Sam I Am- said...

AH! So jealous of allll your Sephora goods :) Look at you go! I can't wait to see you put them all in action. You are just lovely!

Judy said...

I'm so envious of your treasures! I love benefit products! and your "three new friends" are too cute to handle! I want!!


Aranza said...

Girlie, i want those Tokidoki brushes....and everything you got! lol

cant wait for the Stila review!

Princess Feef said...

wow ,, love everything ,,
envy =/ hehe lucky u

Anonymous said...

Love make up!!!!
I follow you!:)

Bonnie said...

I love Benefit products.
I have never used anything Tokidoki.
I hate Kat Von D stuff, but her eye primer is pretty nice. (Not as good as Urban Decay's, of course.)
I worship all things Sephora.

Amy's Fashion Blog said...

Those brushes are too freaking cute.

Alexis the Honey B said...

WOW doll! greak stuff you got!!! That toki doki stuff is really adorable!

Unknown said...

That brush set is too cute. I wonder how good are the brushes.

Mimi said...

that is exactly why i don't like going to grand openings. ;) i just really can't stand being caught in a sea of people. i like having the luxury to browse and walk around. :) kudos to you, though - you got A LOT of great stuff! :D

<3, Mimi

20 YORK STREET said...

Babe, can you please come over and make me over? I have a feeling you can wonders to my face. You seem such an expert!

Fantastic haul!



Would love for you to say Bonjour at:


Marina said...

I like the tokidoki brush set!!!

xx Marina

Ofra Cosmetics said...

Great blog and post! you will probably enjoy mine :)

Donna said...

you got such amazing things!! that brush set is sooo cute and i really, really want that benefit package! hope it dosent run out :(

Marley said...

I'm a total sephora addict! My favourite primer ever is definitely Kat Von D's.
ps - I'm a new follower. Great blog!

a!k0 said...

The Toki Doki brushes are so cute! :D And I love that Benefit set cute! Great haul...

Lately I have seen Benefits cosmetic sold where I am but they look kinda fake...which really sucks. Cause I really want to try some products.. :) Can't wait for the reviews!



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