Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Urban Decay Naked Pallet Giveaway

Hey ladies it that time again for another amazing giveaway ,I think this one is by far the best one , its a new year so get naked with yes
the one and only Naked pallet from Urban Decay !!! this pallet is my all time favorite product of 2010 I use it
everyday and I love it . So what better then to give it to one of my Lovely followers . I waited for it to go back
in stock grad it .Not only is this pallet amazing but its super hard to get !
so here's some  rules to enter .

*You must be a follower if your not already I will check if your one of my friends

*Please write a comment on this post entering you in this giveaway
please don't forget your email so I may contact you if your the winner

* if you post my giveaway anywhere twitter, blog or any other creative sites you will have additional entry's 

* giveaway starts today 01/04 and ends 01/31 @ 0800pm      

that's it ladies good luck to everyone
and thank you for participating

Yours truly,
Curves Ahead  


1 – 200 of 434   Newer›   Newest»
Bronzed Humanity said...

Oh yay a giveaway! Im gonna follow you on twitter...watch out! lol


Kaitlyn said...

W00t, another greaaat giveaway! enter me gurl! lol


Anonymous said...

Hey Honey! WOW what an amazing Giveaway! I would love love love to be entered please. I really wanted this when it came out, but I didn't have enough money back then! Now they are impossible to find...Anywhere! So, thank you so much for hosting this, and for thinking of us!

I am an existing follower: Brittany Love

I have added your amazing Giveaway to my sidebar: http://brittanylovex.blogspot.com

My email address is: brittanylove@hotmail.co.uk

Thank you again Honey-Bee!

Love Britt xxx

Brooke T said...

It would be so awesome to win this!


Anonymous said...

OOOHHH I SOOO would love to win this palette!!
twitter: MACandJUICYluvR

Hadia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Wow I love this pallette and I lvoe your blog giveaways!! woot woot!
My email is:

Allana said...

Enter me please :)
I did a post about your giveaway.


marilyn said...

Please enter me in the contest.


marilyn said...

Please enter me in the contest.


Hadia said...

Hi Enter me please.
Following u via GFC Hadia Salahuddin.
Following u on twitter via HadyaS
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/HadyaS/status/22373009893363712
ID: hadia_salahuddin[at]hotmail[dot]com

Amber said...

great giveaway!


Ada said...

Awesome giveaway!
Enter me please! :D
email : c.adellina@yahoo.com

I'm a follower : Ada

I blogged about this giveaway : http://itsallsorandom.blogspot.com/2011/01/cool-giveaway.html


Rosalina said...

Amazing giveaway!
Enter me please!

I tweeted - http://twitter.com/lady164/status/22377403699429378


Stephanie C. said...

Wow, thank you so much! I'd love to be entered. I follow you via GFC. :)
Email: inhermakeupbag@gmail.com

Emily B said...

Count me in Candy! Love all your advice.


Thanks Lovie!!

Courtney Erin said...

I'd love to be entered - I follow via GFC!

xoxo ~ Courtney

Jessica said...

I would love to enter!


Ilinca said...

GFC: Ruxy

Unknown said...

hey this is cool...already followin u..
id- bhumika_thakkar@yahoo.co.uk

Anonymous said...

Hello! What a fantastic giveaway!! Happy New Year!

Enter me, please :)
I am a follower via GFC (Susalie)
Email: susalie at hotmail dot com
I posted your giveaway in my sidebar here: babydollvanitybox.blogspot.com

Good luck to everybody!

Anonymous said...

This is such a great giveaway, please enter me! And I have postet it on my sidebar on my blog :)


Golden Glow said...

Oh wow, you always amaze me with how extremely generous you are with your giveaways!

Definately going to pop you in my sidebar :)


xx Lisa

MsRinz said...

count me in girlie:)

enter me. Rinz miss.rinrin.blogspot@gmail.com

Marie said...

Gimme some! Gimme gimme gimme some!! :)

I want this thing SO bad!


The Editor said...

This is SUCH a cool giveaway!

So please ENTER ME! :P

I've been following you for a while (name:Birminghamlady)

I posted about your giveaway on my sidebar: http://bhamlady.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh cool ! I'm totally in :)


noheroinhersky said...

pleeease enter me!!
i am pining after this so much and cant find it anywhere!!
when i did have the chance i didnt buy it, regretting it soooo much!!

lovely giveaway !


ViOoOlicious said...

What a great giveaway!!!Ive been wanting this forever! enter me :) mindthetwin@aol.com

Cristina Shopping Therapy said...

WOW what an amazing Giveaway! I would love this pallet so much :X:X:X
Thank you so much for hosting this!!!

I follow you via GFC: adrianaaa23

I added your Giveaway to my sidebar:

My email address is: adrianaaa23@yahoo.com

The Dolls Factory said...

following for months
enetr me dollsfactoryblog[at]gmail[dot]com

Anonymous said...

Been a follower :)
I would love to be entered into this giveaway I heard great things and would love to try out the e/s dark horse

I posted your giveaway here:

I also tweeted about it here: http://twitter.com/#!/PorclainRabbit/status/22432782055636992

email: porcelainrabbit@gmail.com

Jenny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Camelia Andrasescu said...

enter me ,please!
I'm allready a follower on GFC (Camelia Andrasescu)
I tweeted here :p://twitter.com/#!/cameliaadriana/status/22436982525267968
andrasescu.camelia @gmail.com

Juno said...

Thanks for having such an awesome giveaway! I would love to get this palet since they don't sell it in my country :(
Please enter me, I'm a follower.


Amber said...

Wow what an awesome giveaway!!! Please enter me :)


Anonymous said...

Ok, this is an amazing giveaway!
Thanks so much for hosting it :)
I'm a follower: saltwaterdreamsblog at gmail

liquoredonlacquer said...

Please enter me! I follow via gfc as liquoredonlacquer my email is alicia.wiebe@gmail.com ♥

Amy's Fashion Blog said...

This is a great giveaway. Thank for looking at my blog yesterday.



Cindia said...

Enter me!!! cindia.garcia@gmail.com

ShreddingIt said...

ohhh wow, i love it..thanks candy for the opportunity!


Sarah said...

You do the BEST giveaways!


I'll put a link on my blog too. :)

Kat said...

Ohwow! My most coveted palette ever! Please enter me xx

katch05 at gmail dot com

Rentu said...

enter me, i am already a follower, also for additional entry, i have posted about giveaway in my sidebar


my email id: annie.john7@gmail.com

snow0016 said...

Squeaks and squeals!!!

You're an angel!
I so want to have this palette but I'm broke! aw!

Tweeted here:

fb wall post:


blog post:

Okay! so i've done my very best, just gotta leave it all to luck now.. *phew*

~snow0016 at yahoo dot com

Jenni said...

Please enter me :) i'm following as Jennifer on GFC!

jenlovesbeauty at gmail dot com

followed you on twitter and tweeted:

blogged here:


angel said...


Enter me please. I follow via GFC as angel. Angel1988my@gmail.com

Thanks !!!

dreamer said...

gfc: quinieleong


Thanks dear :)

Ayu Muhamad said...

What a lovely giveaway..You are so nice ^^

Enter me please.
Already a follower.
I tweeted your giveaway => http://twitter.com/#!/EmmaLvNeko/status/22533009324376066

e-mail: emma_izaki@yahoo.com

Marley said...

I have heard such amazing things about this palette, great choice! :)


Gondor Tari said...

Enter me!!!!

My follower name is Gondor Tari and my mail is khelek18@gmail.com

I tweet about it here: http://twitter.com/#!/LauraSanMur/status/22544903112228864


KrispyTinCan (Ktun) said...

Thanks for being so awesome. I am following on twitter. My username is krispytincan. I am also a GFC follower. My name is ktun.

My email is krispytuna@hotmail.com

thanks again for having this giveaway!!

Anahita said...

OMG i so want to win this palette!!
Enter me :)
I am following you already
I posted your giveaway in my sidebar
I tweeted about your giveaway
My email: me.medi@hotmail.com

Aranza said...

Yay! another awesome giveaway! I do not have this palette, and seriously, they are hard to find =/

Please enter me ;) I am your follower..you may know me....i always invade your posts lol!

Thanks girlie for the great opportunity ;)

Anonymous said...

Yay, I wanna win :)
Im a follower on GFC of course!

Count me in ;-)


EllysMakeupbag said...

Please enter me, i would adore this lovely palette !

monroe silva said...

Another giveaway♥ yaay :D enter me candy (monroe760@gmail.com)

lalalyns said...

I so want to get my hands on one of those!

I'm following via GFC as lalalyns. My email is hunter_lynsey@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

WOW! Oh my God I want this so badly! Enter me please. :)

Already follow you via GFC as Monik.
Tweet this giveaway here.
Link this giveaway on my blog here.


Unknown said...

OMG! I sooo want this pallette...it's not available in India though *sob sob*
I am tweeting about your amazing giveaway as @StyleFashionEtc :)
email id - fashionetc@rocketmail.com

Amy's Fashion Blog said...


Posted it in my Blog.

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Woww another lovely giveaway!! Enter me please. I'm already a follower, added this in my sidebar, tweeted about this giveaway & following you too- rakhshanda786

Khara said...

Enter Me
GFC- Kayotic
Email- akayredz@gmail.com
Blogged- http://www.cosmetickay.com/2011/01/curves-ahead-naked-palette-giveaway.html

Georgiana said...

enter me pls! GFC : YellowJade, email georgiana_p87[at]yahoo[dot[com]. Tweeted about ur giveaway here (http://twitter.com/DreamgirlG)

Eva said...

enter me please !
i've been wanting it since i heard about it but i can't find it ):

GFC: evil_eva12

evil_eva12 at hotmail dot com


Ramona said...

Candy, this is amazing giveaway! Thank You!
I would love to get it!Enter me please.
I'm your follower.

my email: ramona.caunite@gmail.com

and I will post on my blog side bar about this giveaway

xo Ra

Anonymous said...

OMG this is such a great giveaway! You're so generous!! :D I've wanted this palette for ages LOL.. Never managed to get my hands on it!

Enter me please!
I'm an existing follower.. Lipgloss And Leopard Print!
Email - lipglossandleopardprint@hotmail.com

- Sriya x


Eugenia said...

Enter me please!! :)


Mai said...

Oooh I love this! I'm a follower via GFC as Mai

Enter me please :)

dancinbluegirl90 at gmail dot com

anita b. said...

I am a gfc follower (anita b)
imnotarunner {at}{gmail}{Com}
I would love love love to win this Sephora's been out of stock.

anita b. said...

I posted about your giveaway here on my blog

imnotarunner {at}{gmail}{com}

anita b. said...

imnotarunner follows you on twitter

imnotarunner {at}{gmail}{com}

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

I'd love to enter. Already a follower.


Unknown said...

I'm a google friend connect follower
This is very generous of you.

anita b. said...

I blogged about your giveaway here http://www.whatsanitasdeal.com/?p=560

imnotarunner {at}{gmail}{com}
anita b. gfc follower

cassondra law said...

I follow your blog through GFC under Cassondra Law.

It would be amazing to win this! I haven't had the money or time to buy any new makeup to treat myself. Being a busy stay at home mom, its hard to find time!!! xoxo. Thank you for the great giveaway!!! I was going to get this for myself for my birthday in November but it was GONE!!! boo =/


Gaby Fauchon said...


Please enter me!

I have posted your giveaway on my blog: http://gabysbeautyblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/giveaways.html

And on Twitter (and I follow you): http://twitter.com/#!/GabyFauchon/status/22836687834976256

Thank you!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mandy said...

Would love this palette :D
please enter me
i follow your blog via google (Mandy)

Unknown said...

enter me thanks.
posting on Msdvynediva on fb and my makeupbypatrice on fb!


Unknown said...

enter me thanks.
posting on Msdvynediva on fb and my makeupbypatrice on fb!


westerneyes11 said...

oh, please enter me!!

follower via GFC as westerneyes11



beautydiva said...

Hi, I am an existing follower. Please enter me, my email- beautydivaindia@gmail.com
Thanks :D

Ansh said...

enter me!
hi i follow you as vanity
i blogged about it here http://vanity-noapologies.blogspot.com/2011/01/monthly-giveaway-round-up.html

Anonymous said...

Enter me, please!
I'm a follower as Nyunyu.

Andreja (melanie_mel) said...

VAU! This is so nice of you.



liz said...

Gosh ! I am so excited with this giveaway. I would like to participate in it.
Anw i am totally follower through Google Friend Connect name liz.

I twit here http://twitter.com/#!/dokidokico/status/23015214710530050

Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)


Anonymous said...

oh wow am so desperate for this!! Cannot get it now :(

Amazing GIveaway!!!



Thankyou xox

Little Nell said...

This is such an amazing prize!

I'm a new follower and I'm definitely in :o)

Penny x

Alby said...

I'm a new follower, this is a amazing giveaway! Enter me please! =)

I follow on GFC as "Alby" & my email is chiquitabonitaa@gmail.com

I also tweeted about the giveaway:


Maribel F. said...

Great giveaway! You don't say if the giveaway is openworld, I write to you from Spain. Mi nick is Maribel F. and my e-mail is mfuentes1987@gmail.com
Thank you! =)

Laura said...

Enter me please :) xxx

Ego Makeup said...

Enter me please!
My name: Ego Makeup
My e-mail: egomakeup(@)hotmail.com
Your giveaway in my blog: www.egomakeup.blogspot.com


Reichel Huerta said...

Awesome giveaway!
Enter me please!


And follow you!
Public giveaway on my blog!


Christina Marie said...

What a fab giveaway! Please enter me :)



Toni Tralala said...

Please enter me! :)I've been wanting this palette!


I tweeted about it.


s said...

yay great giveaway!!!


Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Lovely eye shadow!
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Anonymous said...

Here's my tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/shala_darkstone/status/23340879204847616
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

thefashionfreak said...

wow great giveaway! please enter me! is it international?

I tweeted about the giveaway as @cwaterworth :) wanted to @mention you but i couldn't find your twitter :(

Claire x

Marypiper said...


nick: Marypiper
email: maria-castro87(@)hotmail.com

I posted your giveaway in my blog here http://marypiper-mirinconprivado.blogspot.com/

AlinaGav. said...

Enter me please! i follow u via GFC: Alina. my mail is: madebyalina@yaho.com
I've put a picture of your giveaway on my blog and i've write about it too: http://madebyalina.blogspot.com/p/givaways.html.
Thank u for th opportunity! kisses!

hrd said...

enter me please
hannah xx
hannahdownes @ gmail.com

A said...

Please enter me!
email: andreapicasa@hotmail.com

Nico said...

Enter me please!

I follow you via GFC as nico
My email is nico_19tm[at]yahoo[dot]com
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/emynico

Rebecca said...

What a fantastic giveaway! I keep seeing this palette everywhere, it would be so exciting to win it! I've just found your blog and become a follower, and I've added your giveaway to my blog too at http://pinksugarbeauty.blogspot.com
I'm off to find you on twitter now!
Becky :-)
pinksugarbeauty @ gmail.com

thian said...

I follow you via GFC (thian).
and on twitter too (@shin_thian).

JC|♥ said...

OMG!! I NEED this palette in my life, I've been searing high & low, but it's always out of stock. This is a great giveaway!


Milz said...

would love to win it I want it so badly I am your follower enter me please.I posted about this giveaway on my facebook page you don't have to add me as friend to check i have shared it with everyone follow the link below:
My email: alvira_rashk@yahoo.com
Thanks for giving a chance

Mizu said...

Oh my God!So greattttt!
I would love to win for sure!

Mizu said...

Twitter post : http://twitter.com/#!/Ashihana/status/23719095178362880

Mizu said...

Blog post : http://womenswant.blogspot.com/2011/01/curves-ahead-make-up-urban-decay-naked.html

Mizu said...

sidebar : http://womenswant.blogspot.com/

Mizu said...

facebook post : http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=131761496885951&id=1595807611

dorottyazsofia said...

Enter me, please, too! :). I'm a follower.

badorka@vipmail.hu (hope it's international, as I'm from Hungary).

Madlen said...

great giveaway.i am following u as madalinasiescu and my mail is madalinasiescu@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

O my, a Give Away of the Holy Grail of gorgeous palettes... please, please enter me! :-) How awesome is this!!! xxx lucia(at)demeijer(dot)com

I follow you on GFC and twitter and tweeted about this awesome Give Away: http://twitter.com/DalaLuz/status/23818549009055744

beauty said...

enter me

id: m_bluejeans192@yahoo.com

Shaimaa said...

HI ,
Enter me , please!

beauty said...

hi i typed my id wrong :( so im entering again

please enter me m_bluejeans92@yahoo.com
or m.bluejeans192@gmail.com

Rita Malheiro said...

Great giveaway :D
Enter me please. I want that pallet so bad...
My email is anarita_17@hotmail.com

I posted your giveaway on the right sidebar of my blog www.overdosedebeleza.blogspot.com


Chila Camomila said...


Enter me please (:



no name said...

Hi!! enter me, please!!

I follow you as hueleacoco. My mail is hueleacoco @ hotmail . com

I have put this link on my fb wall (http://www.facebook.com/elenameris). You can add me or I can send you a screen shot, whatever you want.

Thanks a lot!!

ambreen said...

Plz enter me.
Following u through GFC:)

shahtaj said...

following u by GFC.
Posted about the giveaway on my blog.
"My Random Ramblings"
Plz "enter me" :)

eureka said...

enter me
email : ilovegummyybears@aim.com

sole said...

ohh, great giveawa. Enter me please.
I love this palette but i can´t buy it in my city.
My GFC is sole. thanks

Hanna said...

10x for this giveawaaay!
i'm following you through GFC(Ana Maria).. & my email is ana_maria_cncv@yahoo.com

Have a great year!!

Oanna said...

Naked Palette? I'm IN


Alex. said...

wow, UD Naked <3

nicolthepickle (Nicole Graham) said...

I follow with gfc as nicolthepickle.
And I'd love to enter this giveaway. Pretty please.

Deea said...

what an amazing giveaway! enter me please. i'm a follower and this is my email: deeasales@gmail.com

jjay said...

enter me please

Andika said...

I follow you via GFC (Andika)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/pimpam2/status/24536105701351425
Email: olajosa@gmail.com

cutleria said...

What a great giveaway! enter me please!

follower gfc nick cutleriamultifida
email cutleraimultifida@hotmail.com


DH said...

This is so great! Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow you as Diane Hennan

unika said...

thx for this great giveaway!
i am a follower via gfc:unika and on tweeter : http://twitter.com/#!/unika83


Andrea said...

Hi! I would love to enter this giveaway! :)

My nick is Andrea and my email is andreasuarez(@)rocketmail.com

I tweeted about it here: http://twitter.com/#!/andsuaria/status/24777585430888448

I also published it in facebook:http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Grasshopper-Treasure/101935686542550#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=133507353380735&id=101935686542550

I posted it in my blog: http://grasshopper-treasure.blogspot.com/p/giveaways_17.html

Thanks for this contest! :)


Madutza said...

Hey there, sweetie! I'm so excited about this new prize :D

I am following you via GFC (Madutza) and I've also posted about your awesome giveaway on my Facebook profile here:

Thank you so much, keep up the good work! xoxo

rmartinez53 said...

hI! great giveaway! enter me!

I love that your looks always look so perfect!

i am a follower via gfc rmartinez53 and my email adress is rmartinez53@hotmail.es

thank you!

Silverstargirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andi said...

I follow you via GFC- my name is andy-
i add your giveaway in my blog :
my email is: derana@freemail.hu

Philippa said...

Such a cool giveaway! You're so generous for offering this :)



rosa5523 said...

What a fantastic giveaway!! Living in spain I dont have much access to this.

i´m a followe: rosa5523

thank you!

Dyna said...

Awesome giveaway :D
I love nude shades so I would love to get this :D

I follow through GFC w/ the name of Dyna.

bbricalderon said...

yea!! Hopefully I win!!! Thanks for giving me a chance to win!


Anonymous said...

Lovely giveaway pet!


& i tweeted; @t_constellation

Anonymous said...

Lovely giveaway pet!


& i tweeted; @t_constellation

Sylwia Perri said...

enter me:) great giveaway

Erykah~C said...

: )
i like this giveaway enter me
email : ilovegummyybears@aim.com

got it, love it said...

wooouw!! such a great giveaway!!! i would love to participate!!please enter me! :)


Thera said...

Yay~~ Giveaway~~

I'm in.



Thera Seow

SleepandMakeup said...

please enter me
email: basketsoccer256@gmail.com

thank you<3

Anonymous said...

hey sweet girl ..enter me ... my name is ramsha...i luv this giveway ...my email id is

aloha said...


Enter me please!It would be so awesome to win this! :)

I am a follower on GFC: aloha

My email address is alohatendencias@hotmail.com

I don´t have a blog sorry :(


aloha said...

WOW what an amazing Giveaway! please enter me!

I am a followe on GFC: aloha
My email is alohatendencias@hotmail.com


Liz said...

Enter me! :)
Im a follower.
My email is: a7xliz00@yahoo.com
I have this giveaway posted on my sidebar.

Unknown said...

cool! (:
enter me please!


ixxa said...

Enter me please.
Following u via GFC: ixxa
email adress lozanoen@hotmail.com
thanks for the giveaway!!!

Titi said...

Hi! I would love to enter this giveaway! :)

I'm following as tormentilla28 on GFC and my email is tormentilla28(@)gmail.com

I tweeted about it here: http://twitter.com/#!/Tormentilla28/status/24914281896087552

I also published it in Facebook: Titi Tormentilla

I posted about your giveaway on my sidebar: http://beautytiti.blogspot.com/

Thanks for this contest! :)


rebeca.cd said...

I'm a follower (Becky)

Gem said...

enter me please

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway!


Abby @ Un-observed.blogspot.co.uk said...

I'm a new follower :)
Would love this. I havent been able to find it. Im following you with google connect under 'Abby'

Enter me



Candi said...

Enter me in your giveaway please!
Following you via GFC (MissXoXo)

here is my blog post on this giveaway:


Olga said...

I follow you through GFC under Olga
Enter me!!


Pepper said...

OMG, the Naked Palette!

Enter me please.

GFC ID Pepper , email pepperflecks@ymail.com

I blog about this giveaway here http://pepperflecks.blogspot.com/2011/01/january-giveaway.html

check out my blog sidebar too.

thank you.

Ixilda said...

Awesome giveaway! please enter me
Thanks for the chance. Cheers!

I don´t have blog or twitter but i am a follower on GFC my nick is ixilda and email pompas22@hotmail.es


Anonymous said...

Enter me, please!
madda_ilade at yahoo dot com

ShazreeyanaShukri said...

Im your new follower yay! glad i found this blog!

email: eeinyana0304@yahoo.com

Tweeted about this giveaway- @shazreeyana

Posted about this giveaway on my bottombar (because i don't have a sidebar :p)


thanks a lot!

Hershley's Sweet Kiss said...

PLEASE enter me! My Name is Hershley's Sweet Kiss! AMAZING giveaway! My Email address is hoge06@yahoo.com
I am a old following of your blog! I added you give away to my sidebar at : http://sweetkissmessage.blogspot.com/

Carmenesque said...

What a great prize!
I follow you as Carmenesque
email: carmenesque@live.com

And I also posted a link in my blog's sidebar: http://sminknaplo.blogspot.com

Thank you, and good luck everyone!

casey aimee said...

please enter me :)

im following via GFC as casey aimee.


matrioska said...

woooo great giveaway! enter me!

I am a follower on GFC: matrioska
My email adrss is matrioskaya@hotmail.es

thanks honey!

MihaeRa said...

Enter me too, please!
Great giveaway!

I follow u via gfc as m.t.

Here`s the tweet about ur giveaway:

And here I`ve shared via facebook:

e-mail: miha_loves_zaf at yahoo dot com

Isabel said...

your follower on GFC: angels
email angelsofharlem@hotmail.com thanks!

Raquelita said...


Enter me please! I'm Spanish.

Nick: Raquelita
Blog: http://moda-en-la-calle.blogspot.com/ (on the lateral sidebar on the left)

Thanks! Kisses & luck for all!

Maria said...

Great giveaway - thanks!

I follow you on GFC - Maria, Twitter - Falsielove (and I tweeted!), and i've also posted your giveaway in my sidebar: http://falsie-love.blogspot.com/


Ginger Blond Coquine said...

*squee* Awesome giveaway! Thank you so much!

email: tenshi.himei@gmail.com
blog (posted about it on sidebar): http://whynotginger.blogspot.com
twitter(I have tweeted about your giveaway): ginger_coquine

My Gorgeous Pink Cheeks said...

Enter me please! I'm Bec and I follow your blog via GFC.

Tweeted about your giveaway here:


Unknown said...

im following you :)
GFC ShyCheeeks
Email: ShyCheeeks@gmail.com

I tweeted, http://twitter.com/ShyCheeeks

and placed a link on my blog sidebar http://shycheeeks.blogspot.com/


E said...

enter me to this giveawaaay!
i'm following you through GFC as E... & my email is eunicejoana@gmail.com

Gina said...

Please enter me! I'm a follower via Google as Gina.


I follow you on twitter as GinaVlahandrea and tweeted about your giveaway.



Anonymous said...

enter me please !
my email is: caroleensgarden@gmail.com

i will add your giveaway in the sidebare of my blog here:

and i follow you (caroleen's garden)

many thanks for this opportunity! ^^

Ada said...

Wow!! Fabulous giveaway! I love eye makeup and I think natural shades suit me best so I'd love to win :)
I'm a follower with GFC (name: Ada)
Thank you!

Tracy D said...

Such an exciting giveaway!

I'm a follower
Posted your giveaway on my blog at http://mybestbeautybuys.blogspot.com/

My email: tracydotdawn22atgmaildotcom

Linda Tek said...

Love it!


You will also see it on my blog, twitter, and fb.


LynSire said...

I want to enter, it's a great giveaway!! My e-mail is LynSire@gmail.com I hope I win!! =D


LynSire said...

Oh sorry, I forgot to mention, I posted about your giveaway on my right sidebar!! Thanks :)


Ai said...

Please enter me!!
I'm following you via Google as Ai (candy apples)

email: ai9love26you41@gmail.com

I also posted a link on my sidebar :D


Megan said...

Heeey i love your blog.
please check out my giveaway and maybe tell people about it.
my email is meganwilliams97@hotmail.co.uk

golondrina28 said...

hi honey! enter me

I follow as golondrina28 and email is golondrina28@hotmail.es

thanks for the giveaway!

smargumiel said...

I would love to win this palette!!
gfc: smargumiel

isabel said...

please enter me in the contest!
follower on gfc as isabel
thanks so much!

Tanya said...

Woohoo awesome giveaway.


rosa5523 said...

Another Amazing Giveaway!!! woooo

gfc: rosa5523
email: rosa5523@hotmail.com

Thankyou xox

bambakibeauty said...

Hi from Spain!!

Enter me please!

GFC name: bambaki83
Email: mimica69@hotmail.com
I follow u on twitter as bambaki83 (Miriam Rivas) and I tweeted about your giveaway here: http://twitter.com/#!/bambaki83/status/26454264654069760


Christina said...

Excited to be apart of your giveaway.. I'll be following you on Twitter and posting on my blog... Hope you follow me back if you like my blog.

- Christina Leilani

Mommy V. said...

Hi! Great giveaway!
Please enter me!

I follow you on GFC as Vira

My email address is: vira(underscore)reda(at)hotmail(dot)com


Pastlink said...

Hey! Great giveaway!!!


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