Hey there my pretty ladies , hope you all had a great Monday as for me it was intense I got allot of things done today . So let me tell you ladies my 30 for 30 hasn't been going to well ....first I didn't take pictures of the two days which I feel like just messed up everything grrr its so hard to take pictures everyday !!! ok and then my clothes are really big !!! and then I shopped nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well I went far you have to admit so when I shopped boy do I mean shoppppppped yeah I went crazy I had no control and I was a emotional roller coaster , I hated that I was shopping ,then I liked it ,then I hated it, what the hell did this 30 by 30 do to me hahaha overall it was great I noticed how much smaller I'm getting and how my hard work has paid off . Ok so enough off me and let me show you more of me in my pictures hahaha
This is my Sunday outfit this is a shirt I used it like a dress love my new hair color what do you think !!! |
this my Monday work day outfit which I got two compliments for | | | |
And here's some shopping I did ...
H&M , Nordstrom, and French Connection and there was much more ...
so that's it ladies !! hope you liked my post don't forget to enter my giveaway 100 bucks shopping spree to sephora !!! and talking about my blog anniversary this is way I love my husband he brought me a cupcake and some flowers for my Blogs bday isn't he the cutest , sweetest most charming man . This is way I'm completely , unconditionally , in love with him
Yours Truly,
preettyy!! i love how you color block! really striking and looks good on you!!
Aw!! That is cute! Love your looks and esp like that look with the cardi!
I'm so happy for you and the hard job you are doing ;)
You look so good in your red blazer ;)
kisses honey!
Love you look fantastic and doing such a great job seriously lost alot of weight, I on the other hand have fallend off the band wagon.Love all the outfits.
Gorgeous as always hunny :)
I love your style, your taste in clothes are fabulous :)
Love Christine ♥
stylish as always. my fav is the first with the blue top, so cute
Gorgeous photos! I truly love the bright colours you wear they look absolutely stunning on you! So unique + fabulous :)
I love all your outfits especially the orange one. Keep up the good work my friend, I on the other hand have been so bad w my diet and exercise pretty much fell of the wagon since I came back lol.
gorgeous! especially love that crisp and preppy red and blue outfit!
MY favorite is the orange and blue with jeans!
Aww... your hubby is soo sweet for remembering your blog's bday!
the orange dress is super cute!
You almost made it to the end with out shopping but i'm proud you did go 20 odd days with out shopping.
i love that second dress! is it red or orange? :)
p.s. come and join my Perricone giveaway! :)
<3, Mimi
Baaaaaaaabe, haven't visited your blog for so long! Miss reading your blog so much! I love the new layout and you still look ever gorgeous!
I really love the close up pic of you! Sooo pretty ><
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